Teacher Version

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Search and Rescue Challenge

Search and Rescue Challenge

In this challenge, you will use everything you've learned to create a rescue robot that will enter a four-room building. The robot must perform four unique actions for four unique rooms. The order of the rooms will be randomized to simulate an unpredictable and hazardous area. The robot must complete all four rooms, and return to the starting point.

Part 1

  1. Write four separate programs for each room.
  2. The robot can enter either entrance of the room.
  3. The robot must exit each room after completing the objective of each room.

Part 2

  1. Write 1 program that will make the robot traverse all 4 rooms.
  2. The robot may start at any room's entrance.
  3. The robot's trip can be either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
  4. The robot must return to where it started.
  5. The location of the rooms will be randomized each run.

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